An exceptional inscribed stater of the Vindelici
Los 16
CENTRAL EUROPE. Vindelici. 2nd-1st century BC. Stater (Gold, 18 mm, 7.57 g, 7 h), 'Regenbogenschüsselchen, Blattkranz mit Vogelkopf/Kreuz mit Voluten' type. Head of a bird to left; below to right, ƧAV; all within wreath. Rev. Four-pointed star; above, three pellets; below, two volutes; all within cup-shaped incuse. Dembski -. Flesche 305. Kellner, Manching, type II E var. (no letters). Künker 226 (2013), 69. Extremely rare and in exceptional condition for the issue, with a sharply struck bird's eye and an unusually complete inscription. Areas of weakness and with faint scratches, otherwise, good very fine.

From the L.I.M.B. Collection of Celtic coins, formed over the past two decades.

Only a very few examples of this inscribed type have been discovered so far. The piece from the Flesche collection (Flesche 305) is among them and is often incorrectly cited in auction catalogues, possibly because the legend is barely discernible due to a weak strike, and cataloguers may not bother to read the accurate description carefully. On our piece, however, the ƧAV is much clearer. Its meaning remains uncertain. The most likely explanation is that it represents a personal name beginning with Sau... (or Aus...?), such as Sausonios, Sauromatos, or Sauletos, to name just a few examples, but this must remain speculative.
5000 CHF
4000 CHF
20000 CHF
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